CH-Teamcoach: Digital Corporate Health Teamcoach for Team Leaders
The Corporate Health Teamcoach (short «CH-Teamcoach») is an e-Coach for leaders and their teams to improve working conditions and team climate.
The e-Coach guides team leaders through several coaching modules, by means of a virtual coaching dialogue. It is a generic tool that enables diverse groups of occupations and sectors to engage in a team development process. Simultaneously, it is a learning tool based on machine learning principles: Based on online feedbacks and change in working conditions over time, the underlying coaching rules are adapted, so that the team leaders progressively receive customised support.
The e-Coach is developed together with scientists of the University of Zurich (Div. POH EBPI). The Swiss Cadre Organisation (SKO) and the University Hospital of Zurich (Nursing and Allied Health Professions Office) accompany this development with expert and process knowledge. The Commission of Technology and Innovation (KTI) finances the project. «Corporate Health Solutions (CHS) GmbH» – a Spin-Off of the University of Zurich – disseminates the release version of the e-Coach.
Kowatsch, T., Wahle, F., Filler, A., Kehr, F., Volland, D., Haug, S., Jenny, G., Bauer, G., Fleisch, E., Towards Short-Term Detection of Job Strain in Knowledge Workers with a Minimal-Invasive Information System Service: Theoretical Foundation and Experimental Design, 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany. Paper-PDF Poster-PDF
Filler, A., Kowatsch, T., Haug, S., Wahle, F., Staake, T. & Fleisch, E. (2015) MobileCoach: A Novel Open Source Platform for the Design of Evidence-based, Scalable and Low-Cost Behavioral Health Interventions – Overview and Preliminary Evaluation in the Public Health Context. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2015 (WTS 2015), New York, USA. *** Outstanding Paper Award & Best Graduate Student Paper Award*** PDF
Working Group
Fabian Wahle, Andreas Filler, Elgar Fleisch, Tobias Kowatsch
CHF 569.556
Sep 2015 – Dec 2016