Welcome to our new Postdoctoral researcher at the Singapore-ETH Centre, Oscar Castro!
We are happy to welcome Oscar Castro, PhD, as our new postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Digital Health Interventions, Singapore-ETH Centre. In the context of the Future Health Technologies (FHT) programme, and in collaboration with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (Nanyang Technological University) and the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (National University of Singapore), Oscar will work in the development of a smartphone-based and chatbot-delivered MobileCoach intervention for the prevention of type-2 diabetes and depression in vulnerable populations.
Oscar holds a PhD in Physical Activity and Public Health from the University of Southern Queensland (Australia), a MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), and a BSc (Hons) in Psychology from the University of Valencia (Spain). Before joining us, Oscar was a research fellow at the University College London (UK), working on the Human Behaviour-Change Project, a ground-breaking collaboration between behavioural and computer scientists aimed at developing an artificial intelligence system to continually scan, organise, and interpret the scientific literature on behaviour change interventions. Oscar’s research focuses on health behaviour change. In particular, he is interested in physical activity and sedentary behaviour, with an emphasis on evidence synthesis and the development / evaluation of theory-based interventions.