TV Report on the Manoa app for blood pressure control by Pathmate Technologies
Chronic hypertension (high blood pressure ) can put you at risk of developing serious health issues, such as a heart attack or a stroke. Hypertension is associated with aging processes and is therefore more prevalent in oder adults. However, lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise also play an important role in developing chronic hypertension. In order to better control chronic hypertension, it is key to look at our overall health and our lifestyle.
Are you interested in learning more about an app to help monitor and control high blood pressure? The CDHI spin-off company Pathmate Technologies developed the Manoa app for this very purpose and is continuing to integrate more features. Pathmate Technologies is based in Germany and Switzerland.
You can learn more about the company, as well as about the innovative features of its Manoa app in this tv report on start-ups in Germany. The report is in German (subtitles in German available).