Guest Lecture on Rhythms of the Sleeping Brain by Dr Caroline Lustenberger, 26 Oct 2023

Rhythms of the Sleeping Brain: Unlocking Their Potential as Early Disease Biomarkers and Treatment Targets

Thursday, 26 October 2023, 2:30 pm CET

About Caroline Lustenberger

Dr. Caroline Lustenberger is a sleep researcher and group leader at ETH Zurich, recognized with the SNSF Ambizione career grant in 2019. She also chairs the European Sleep Research Society’s Gender Equality Forum. Caroline’s work is centered on understanding and modulating brain oscillations during sleep, aiming to enhance brain and body recovery across various life and health stages. She employs cutting-edge techniques, including closed-loop neuromodulatory interventions and assessments of the brain and cardiovascular system, bridging laboratory-based research with real-world examinations using the latest wearable devices. Additionally, as a co-founder of EARDREAM, an ETH-affiliated start-up, Caroline aims to harness these methods to detect early Alzheimer’s disease markers and devise preventive measures. This innovative approach seeks to produce wearable tools that are cost-effective, accessible, and versatile for a wide range of settings.

About the Lecture

Sleep is not just a time of rest. Deep within our brains, intricate rhythms of activity play out, telling a story about our health and well-being. These rhythms, known as brain oscillations, do not just provide clues about the sleep stages but are also increasingly recognized as potential early indicators of various neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Lustenberger and her team have been at the forefront of using both stationary and portable technology to observe and influence these brain oscillations during sleep, both in the controlled setting of a lab and the comfort of our homes. In this talk, she will dive into how sleep shapes our health, the potential of these brain oscillations as indicators of disease, and how they are innovating ways to monitor and possibly intervene for better health outcomes.

We are pleased to invite you to join this guest lecture. Registration is not required. Please be aware that we will be recording this guest lecture and will be making it available in our teaching library. If you have any questions, please contact Giuliana Breu ( before the start of the guest lecture. Also note that this guest lecture is part of our Digital Health Forum course.

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch, Associate Professor for Digital Health Interventions, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich; Director, School of Medicine, University of St.Gallen (HSG); Scientific Director, Centre for Digital Health Interventions (CDHI), ETH Zurich & HSG; Principal Investigator, Future Health Technologies programme, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore

Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch, Professor of Information Management, ETH Zürich; Professor of Technology Management, University of St.Gallen; Advisory Board Member, CDHI, ETH Zürich & University of St.Gallen; Principal Investigator, Future Health Technologies programme, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore

Prof. Dr. Florian von Wangenheim, Professor of Technology Marketing, ETH Zurich & Advisory Board Member, CDHI; Principal Investigator, Future Health Technologies programme, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore

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