Updates from our Behavioural Health and Disease Prevention Core led by Dr. Mair, 28 Feb 24

Research Updates from our Behavioural Health and Disease Prevention Core, led by Dr. Jacqueline Mair

28 February 2024 08:30 CET


Welcome and introduction to the meeting – Dr. Jacqueline Mair

Theme 1: Detecting Vulnerability & Receptivity

  1. Akshaye Shenoi, Digital Biomarkers to Detect Vulnerability   
  2. Samarth Negi, Detecting Receptivity in the Wild 
  3. Roman Keller, Receptivity to Interventions and EMAs
  4. Q&A 1

Theme 2: Behavioural mHealth Interventions

  1. Jacqueline Mair, Digital Health for All; Insights from a Public-Patient Involvement Study
  2. Ahmad Jabir, User-Centred Design of the LvL UP mHealth Intervention
  3. Oscar Castro, Optimising Human Support in DTx
  4. Q&A 2

Theme presentations are followed by 15 minutes of comments and questions from the audience. Registration is not required. Please be aware that we will be recording this meeting and will be making it available in our teaching library. If you have any questions, please contact Giuliana Breu (giuliana.breu@unisg.ch) prior to the start of the Quarterly Meeting.

With kind regards,

Giuliana Breu, Executive Director, Centre for Digital Health Interventions

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch, Associate Professor for Digital Health Interventions, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich (UZH), Director, School of Medicine, University of St.Gallen (HSG), and Scientific Director, Centre for Digital Health Interventions, UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch, Professor of Information Management, ETH Zürich; Professor of Technology Management, University of St.Gallen; Advisory Board Member, CDHI, ETH Zürich & University of St.Gallen; Principal Investigator, Future Health Technologies programme, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore

Prof. Dr. Florian von Wangenheim, Professor of Technology Marketing, ETH Zurich & Advisory Board Member, CDHI; Principal Investigator, Future Health Technologies programme, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore

CDHI Quarterly Team Meeting

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