And the Digital Health Vadian 2023 goes to PIPRA and Benjamin Dodsworth

Co-hosted with the St.Galler Lung Symposium 2023, the Digital Health VADIAN Innovation Prize was awarded for the third time to a particularly innovative startup.🏆 Giuliana Breu, our executive director at CDHI, took over the moderation of this year’s startup competition. Together with the audience who could substantially influence the results with a weight of 50%, the ten following jury members assessed the originality (10%, jury vote), technical quality (10%, jury vote), integration potential in current health data management systems/daily living of humans (10%, jury vote), and the potential health impact/medical utility (20%, jury vote):

  1. Prof. Dr. René Rossi, Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles, empa St.Gallen
  2. Dr. Hans Ebinger, CEO Switzerland Innovation Park Ost
  3. Dr. Sven Hoffmann, R&D Switzerland Innovation Park Ost
  4. Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch (Chair of the jury), Centre for Digital Health Interventions (CDHI) at UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich
  5. Dr. Marcia Nissen, CDHI at UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich
  6. Dr. Mia Jovanova, CDHI at UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich
  7. Estelle Pfitzer, CDHI at UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich & MTIP
  8. Odile Giger, CDHI at UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich
  9. Giuliana Breu, CDHI at UZH, HSG & ETH Zurich
  10. Prof. Dr. Catherine Jutzeler, Biomedical Data Science, ETH Zurich

As a result, we wholeheartedly congratulate the winner PIPRA, and thanks to Benjamin Dodsworth for the great presentation! 🎉

We would like to highlight that all the finalists have done an incredibly good job: Skaaltec/Dane Donegan; Neuria Digital Therapeutics/Malika Tapparel; Sawera Health Stiftung/Abhishek Avasthi; Carity/Aliaksei Tsitovich 🚀

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