A warm welcome to PhD student Odile-Florence Giger strengthening our CSS Health Lab
A warm welcome to Odile-Florence Giger as our newest research assistant. Odile is a doctoral student at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) and is now a core team member of the CSS Health Lab at CDHI, a joint initiative of HSG (Institute of Technology Management, Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch), ETH Zurich (Chair of Information Management, Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch), and CSS, one of Swiss’ largest health insurance companies. After her Master’s in Business Innovation at the HSG, Odile gained valuable experience working in innovation at the Basler Versicherung, coordinating all the strategic projects. Additionally, she opened up her international perspectives working at the Embassy of Switzerland in Bolivia, developing several local projects. Most recently, Odile worked for Sparrow Ventures, Migros Group’s venture builder and growth investor. There, she focused on researching new trends, validating hypotheses, and building promising business models in the healthcare sector.
At our center, Odile-Florence will research and develop business models for companies that treat non-communicable diseases – supervised by Prof. Dr. Elgar Fleisch and Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch – to make disease management more accessible and help people to live longer and healthier lives.