3-Day Scientific Advisory Board Meeting at the Singapore-ETH Centre

From 15 to 17 May, our Future Health Technologies (FHT) program – for the LvL UP team Dr. Jacqueline Mair, Dr. Oscar Castro, Shenglin Zheng, Roman Keller, Samarth Negi, Akshaye Shenoi, Ahmad Jabir, Sarah Tan Yi Xuan, Rachel Koh Woon Sim, Ruth Rachel Mathews, Prof. Konstadina Griva and Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch – presented an update on the various research projects, including our holistic mobile health intervention LvL UP, during the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) review, at the Singapore-ETH Centre.

The second day featured an interactive science gallery presenting all current ongoing projects at FHT through an array of research posters and hands-on demonstrations, providing our researchers a platform to network with a community of experts and enthusiasts in attendance.

We were also honored to host the Permanent Secretary for National Research and Development and Chairman, MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT), Prof. Tan Chorh Chuan, and Executive Director Academic Research, National Research Foundation Singapore, Prof. Subodh Mhaisalkar around the science gallery to share more about the impact and real-world applications of our research.

We would also like to thank the SAB members, collaborators, partners, and agencies for joining us!

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