HSG Health Forward Grant to Investigate Blood Glucose and Nerve Vitality in Type-1 Diabetes
We are more than happy to announce that our team at CDHI Marc Robin Gruener, Dr. Mia Jovanova, Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch, and our co-applicants from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Switzerland PD Dr. med. Philip Broser, Dr. med. Sarah Oberhauser and Prof. Dr. med. Dagmar l’Allemand and colleagues Dr. Erin West and Susanne Mäder-Duss received the HSG Health Forward Grant to investigate the link between blood glucose fluctuations and nerve vitality in the KIND project.
The Health Forward Programme of the University of St.Gallen supports research projects in the field of health sciences that enable the recipients to prepare and submit applications to national or international research funding bodies (Health Forward). To this end, the team of the KIND project will set up a digital biomarker infrastructure, conduct a pilot study, and perform preliminary data analyses to prepare optimally for an SNF project submission in April 2025.
Further details on the KIND project are available on the project website.
Congratulations to the team on this grant, we are so proud of you!