Digital Therapeutics for Healthy Longevity: A Roadmap

2023-05-24T05:59:36+02:00October 26th, 2022|

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including common mental disorders, not only impose an enormous health burden on individuals but also lead to substantial economic burdens for healthcare systems. Especially individuals with lower socioeconomic status are affected by NCDs. Digital therapeutics (DTx) have the potential to offer low-cost personalized interventions [...]

Research grant awarded to RehabCoach – a digital platform for remote rehabilitation

2022-09-23T10:07:06+02:00September 23rd, 2022|

The ETH RESC – Suva Funding Programme, which supports R&D in prevention, rehabilitation, and health economics with a focus on accident-​related injuries, has awarded its first grant to “RehabCoach”. The project will start in October 2022 and run for three years. The interdisciplinary research group is [...]

What can we do to lower the socioeconomic inequalities in health? Healthification, a short animation

2022-09-21T17:37:55+02:00September 10th, 2022|

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) impose enormous health burdens on individuals and lead to substantial health economic challenges. NCDs' risk factors relate primarily to a lifestyle characterized by tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, or an unbalanced diet. This lifestyle can lead to obesity, hypertension, and other [...]

CanRelax: A mindfulness and relaxation app for people with cancer

2023-02-07T07:42:57+01:00July 15th, 2022|

Relaxation exercises can help to reduce stress symptoms and improve quality of life. In a project funded by the Swiss Cancer Research Foundation, researchers at the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine at the University Hospital Zurich and here at the Centre for Digital Health Interventions have developed a relaxation app [...]

Trends in voice characteristics in patients with heart failure

2022-04-27T16:20:32+02:00March 3rd, 2022|

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is characterised by the heart’s incapacity to pump sufficient blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs. It afflicts over 64 million people worldwide and is increasing in prevalence. The high hospital readmission rates do not only pose a tremendous burden on patient’s health [...]

Frontiers in Digital Health 2022 Call for Papers on Scaling Up Health IT

2022-02-22T09:01:48+01:00February 12th, 2022|

Healthcare delivery is undergoing a rapid change from traditional processes towards the use of digital health interventions and personalized medicine. On one side, hospitals and health care providers are introducing hospital information systems, electronic health records and telemedicine solutions for more efficient workflows within and beyond [...]

Digitalization of Inflammatory Biomarkers for Chronic Systemic Inflammation (CSI)

2022-04-28T09:42:52+02:00January 1st, 2022|

Several studies have shown robust evidence between the chronic systemic inflammation (CSI) and increasing risk of various non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and mortality.  As opposed to an acute inflammatory response that is characterised as a temporary upregulation of inflammatory activity in response to a threat (e.g., bacterial infection), [...]

Book: The Digital Pill: What Everyone Should Know about the Future of Our Healthcare System

2021-06-22T15:01:33+02:00May 5th, 2021|

Information technology is changing healthcare in numerous wide-ranging aspects, including significantly improving the overall quality of patient care and therefore helping to reduce limitations in people's daily lives. The Digital Pill reflects on how digital technologies can combat chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases [...]

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